I was at a yard sale at a middle school on Saturday and found this seller with 4 big moving boxes sitting in front of his table. One box said, "free", the next $1 box, the next $2 box, and on the end the box was turned upside down with things on top. I picked a olfa rotary cutter mat and a vtg crewel embroidery picture out of the free box. The $1 box had a fake Kate Spade purse, some plastic Tupperware pieces and a The Sak brown leather purse. Score on the Sak purse.

Further down the parking lot was a very talkative and "informative" seller. I spotted some Vera Bradley and hesitated because it was more than I wanted to pay. I finished looking at all the other stuff and ended up getting two different bags and two older wallets. The other bag and wallets I was able to verify as genuine. This one I'm on the fence about.
The fabrics all feel and appear to be the real thing. Carnaby on the left, Pirouette center, and Blue Rhapsody on the right. The bottom gusset, strap and lining are Pirouette. The thing that bothers me is the shape of the bag. I can't find another bag shaped like this. I have seen other patchwork bags but not with these 3 fabrics or in this shape. All of these fabrics were available June 09 to May 10 with the Blue Rhapsody available June 09 until November 10.
The lining is correct for the Pirouette fabric and the pockets are neat, the zipper matches and the ribbon matches and there is a correct label sewn in the lining. The pull tab for the outside zipper on the top of the purse is a round silver tab. I have never seen a pull tab like that on a Vera bag.
In researching the Vera patchwork bags I did notice that the patchwork totes and purses were a little different from the normal styles. I don't need to have a listing pulled because of fake merchandise. Don't need another black mark on my store.
Any thoughts on my Vera? Real or fake?
In researching the Vera patchwork bags I did notice that the patchwork totes and purses were a little different from the normal styles. I don't need to have a listing pulled because of fake merchandise. Don't need another black mark on my store.
Any thoughts on my Vera? Real or fake?
i haven't seen patchwork before. However, I did have a VB purse with the same print on the inside and out which is unusual and I thought was a fake although the patterns matched the VB retired print website. Took me hours but I found it :D The pull tag looks real :D Best of luck!
ReplyDeleteI found a few patchwork, mostly in pinks and reds and just two colors. I was researching fake Vera's and two comments were that the pull tag was always a ribbon or older ones the fabric ties but never metal. If the fabrics weren't real I would be skeptical, but the fabrics are accurate and all from the same time frame. Unless of course a company in China used scraps from leftover orders to make these. Maybe I'm being too paranoid. I don't want to get my hand slapped!!
Deleteeither way your screwed. i have had i know beyond a doubt authentic coach bags flagged....it only takes 1 competitor.