Yard sale is in full swing....finally!!
Our area has had lots of rain and it seems like Saturdays have been washed out with no real yard sales. I have been able to get a few little ones in here and there. But Saturday was beautiful and I was up early and on the road. Here are a few things I found.

This seems like an ideal item for this week, but not enough time to get her listed and there are a bunch already listed. I'll let her hang around until next year. If I list in the summer maybe the field will be less crowded.

Found the always popular stick blender and vtg Pyrex at a big church yard sale.More about the other items in a minute. Picked up Vera Bradley, a bark basket, assorted kitchen stuff and all at a fantastic price. And as an added bonus....brownies!! The youth group was having a bake sale!
Then on to another church yard sale in the area. It started at 6 AM and I got there about 8:30. It was small and to tell you how far out in the backside of nowhere it was, they were playing Willie Nelson hymns in their fellowship hall, on 8 track!! Only picked up one item there of note, a boxed set of Laura Ingalls Wilder, Little House books, sealed. Score!!
Heading back home I had found a yard estate sale on CL. I have such good luck at these sales. The family is having a sale to get rid of everything left after they picked everything they want. Sometimes all is left is junk and sometimes you get good stuff.

Found a bunch of cameras in the bathtub of the master bathroom, really. Eleven altogether. Some good, some not so good. I took them all in order to get a good price. Also in the bathroom,( why?), I found the typewriter. Out of the camera lot I have about 6 good ones and I think I'll bundle the leftovers into one lot. The Bose Wave radio was found on the top shelf of a back bedroom closet, shoved back in the corner. Just luck that I saw the corner and figured out what it was and was able to dig it out.

This vintage "transistor phonograph" was dumped in a box with Christmas ornaments, very trashy ornaments. I rescued it.

A vintage TransFormers Halloween costume in the box and with a box bonus Masters of the Universe mask that I'm having trouble identifying. But for 10c I think I can invest a little research time.
You can always tell who prices the items at a family yard estate sale. The guys will price guy things higher, cameras, tools and stuff like that and kitchen and household stuff will be dirt cheap. The packed-full yellow shoe box full of vintage buttons, some still on their cards, was $1, The mini sewing machine, NIB, was $2. The Cathedral Window table runner was 50c, the
completely hand made Cathedral Window table runner was 50c!!!
So if you ever see a Yard Estate Sale, hit the brakes and pray that the guys did all of the pricing on the household stuff and maybe the girls priced the tools!!
Not a yard sale find but I picked this up on a recent thrift store run and as a bonus I had a 20% off coupon.
All of that beautiful work, original glass, case and clock mechanism for a paltry sum of $4.80 |
I didn't check to see if the clock part worked before I put it in the cart. I just looked at the cross stitch and the 1963 date at the bottom and picked it up. Both hands are there, but it doesn't work. I think I will have better luck selling it with the clock mechanism replaced and I can still use the original hands. Someone did a wonderful job and it breaks my heart to think that no one in the family thought it was special enough to save and dumped it at a thrift store. I'm glad I rescued it because there is someone out there that will think it is special too.
Now get out there early to all those yard sales and stock up for the lean times when there are are no yard sales.
Those are great finds!
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one who types and takes pictures in the bathroom? ;)
I have been known to grab my cell phone when I am heading to the bathroom and do a little...research... while I'm sitting around. I know I've been there too long when my feet fall asleep!!
Deletewhats a stick blender? did I miss it in the photos?
ReplyDeleteIts a Braun Multipractic, a hand held blender. It's called a stick blender because it is shaped like a rolled up newspaper with a very sharp, very fast blade on the end. Like a lot of things on ebay, some are good some are bad. Bamix good, this one average but in the box so I may get $30-35.
DeleteVery nice haul!
ReplyDeleteI thought I did good since my total spent at 4 sales was $123, not including the brownies!!
DeleteGreat buys! Love the motivational upswing that comes with a great haul. :-)
ReplyDeleteAin't it great? My SweetiePie checks each morning to see what sold so he will know my mood. Sad but true.
DeleteOMG, I remember those, "World's Best..." figures. Every home had at least one back in the 70's !!