It seems like they just find me. The old and weird stuff that is.
Well, I have attracted some weird people in my life, but that is a whole other story.
I didn't get to go thrifting last week because I had an overflow of stuff. A major flood. I needed to get things under control, well what passes as control around here anyway.
So this week, with 50% coupon in hand, off I go to my favorite thrift at 7am. See, the coupon is only good from 8am to 10am so you have to get there early. I was car number 2 in the parking lot on Thursday.
I hit a motherlode of high end mens dress shirts for $2 each and bought a dozen. Some more sweaters and coats and designer this and that. Score!!
I don't take time to look in the bins when I have a deadline of 10am. I check out on time and then go out to the bins. I picked up some nice t shirts for 25c each, wool coats, sweaters, boys jackets and other assorted stuff.
If I sold everything I bought Thursday the total would be about $1500. Not bad for $79. But from experience I know I won't sell everything. Just an educated guess and mostly luck.
But then I hit the free bins. Sometimes they are empty and sometimes they look like the city dump. Thursday they held just enough to be interesting. Mainly toys and kitchen stuff and lots of really nasty pillows. Bring out the gloves!! Picked up a big bag of stuff. Mostly transformer, power rangers, bionicles stuff. Boys toys. But some pieces were interesting. Only one bionicle but lots of morphing power rangers that will bring a little something in a lot. And this sad looking leopard kitty that SweetiePie laughed at.

This is really old. Probably from the early 50's. An old original Gund. Hey, wait a minute I'm from the early 50's, so it really isn't THAT old
Then I just HAD to go by GW when I went out yesterday to get my hair cut. It is right down the block and I shouldn't waste gas.
I found this wooden dog. From the early 50's.

Made of teak. Made in Denmark. Original Kay Bojesen.Score. Check out one just like it
At least they found each other!! If you have ever seen these and know something about them, let me know. |
I had seen these sad looking characters at the TS near where we go for breakfast and couldn't find anything on them when I researched them. Today I just bit the bullet and spent 50c for them. They are not in the best of shape. Dirty, missing a hand and pulled thread in the genuine polyester fabric. But they are my kind of weird. Copyright 1979 Hopeless Concept, named Hopeless People. They do look that way.
Let's face it.
It is just my JOB to save the weird.