I now have a thrifting partner. SweetiePie
SweetiePie was disabled back in March, had surgery and can no longer work. He is finally getting disability, thank goodness. It was a long time coming.
His dream was to get a metal detector to occupy his free time. He finally got one a couple of weeks ago. So far he has found less than $4 in change. Well...no one said that he was going to get rich with the thing. It just keeps him out of trouble and out of my hair.
The thrift thing. He saw me listing stuff on ebay. When stuff sold I would tell him my profit on the items. He was slightly impressed. Then he saw a couple of items that I purchased for a dollar or less and sold for a bunch more.....he was impressed.
Normally when I go thrifting I go alone. I ask him from time to time if he wants to go, but he always says he has something else going on. A couple of days ago he suggested we go to a different GW store after hearing me complain about the local GW. Well, we have already scored big on three of the items that we picked up that day and it looks good for several more.
Oh my.....I think he is hooked!!!!!

And yesterday he found a REAL Armani shirt all by himself.
That boy is going to be dangerous pretty soon.......
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