Yes, I have been around long enough to know that summer is slow. But this summer has taken the cake, cake plate and all the crumbs. Of course all the "good" news on the economy isn't helping anything. I have a way for folks to perk up the economy. Buy used. Buy twice as much for half the money. Save it from the landfill.
I have had a really crazy summer. Busy, grand daughters visiting, sick, busy, SweetiePie sick, busy, busy busy. Had the car in the shop for clutch repair, not cheap. The upstairs heat pump went out and cost $1500 to get it going again. One thing after another. But I'm a little squirrel with my paypal account and I had the funds to cover everything. Thank goodness. Never, never, ever empty your paypal account out. Keep something in there for an emergency and put the rest in the bank.
Now I am trying to get ready for a road trip. Get caught up with everything before I leave and make room for my new purchases from my road trip. I have such a stack of stuff that needs to get online, because we all know that if it ain't listed it ain't gonna sell.It's almost like going thrifting when I open a tote and find stuff that is really good dollar wise that I forgot I bought. Merry Christmas to me!!
I know I should probably donate some of the things I have listed. But let's face it, I'm a cheapskate, a borderline hoarder, and don't like to throw money away, even a quarter. I don't mind donating something back to the thrift store but if I pick it up for less than 25c then I can wait for it to sell even if I only make $20 profit. I think that is a pretty good ROI.
There are advantages to going to the post office every day. See what I got at the post office:

When I go to the post office every day my clerk started asking me what I sold and how I sourced the stuff I sold. I told him he should try selling on ebay. I offered to help him get started but he said he didn't really want to, that he didn't have time to source and didn't know what to source. So a couple of weeks later he handed me a box with this stuff in it. I just took it and when I got home I checked everything out. The Bamboo is NIB, the post office regulation shirt is NIP, the pig wallet is NIP, the remote control is NIP, the drawing book is new, the art pencils are NIP and the Fossil wallet is new. The Invicta watch is used but everything is fine on it, very light scuffs. I got everything listed and have already sold the art pencils and the Fossil wallet.
I'm one of those people that is always on a diet, but never seem to loose weight. I like gravy, especially this kind of gravy. If I sell everything listed for the listed price I will have $190. Now that is good gravy.
Now back to listing. I have been trying to get 10 things listed a day. For me as a single person doing everything, I think that is pretty good. I find it, clean it, photograph it, store it, sell it, and ship it. I am also trying to get some listings scheduled for my vacation time to auto list. Every day I sit down to list I add one more item and schedule it for a vacation day. Even if I only have one item each day of vacation it will be something new and we all know how Cassini loves people who list regularly.
Happy listing, selling and scavenging.