I'm have been stressing over every listing, question and sale. I'm going to stop worrying about ebay all together.....well maybe just a wee bit.
Several weeks ago I was getting some inventory out of the cardboard boxes that I still have sitting on my front porch.(Don't worry, they are behind the overgrown azaleas and they can't be seen from the street.)Back to the story. I opened up one box that contained pants and one corner was full of leaves. What the heck? I picked up some sticks from the yard, just to be on the safe side, and lifted up the leaves. A birds nest, complete with 2 eggs. One of the eggs came tumbling out of the nest as I picked up the nest, chopstick style, with the sticks. Not really thinking I reached down and picked up the egg and put it back in the nest, turned around and sat everything on the front porch swing. Got my pants out of the box and proceeded to do laundry.
Several days later I saw the nest and was going to put it in the natural area of the yard. When I went to pick it up, out flew a little sparrow!! I checked inside and there were 4 eggs!!
Look what I saw today!!

It has really been hot and humid here in the South these past weeks. I did go yard sale-ing for a couple of hours last Saturday. Picked up some nice clothes for resale, some NWT, some used, and some kitchen things. No big $$, but a good profit margin. One yard sale had everything at super cheap prices. I missed a good quilt for $1 by about 6 inches. However, there was a big box of vintage bed linens sitting close by and when I asked they were $1, for the whole box. It seems that the man having the sale had just closed his parents cottage at the beach and wanted everything gone.

I don't shop our local Goodwill because it's a pain. No bathroom and no credit/debit cards. Cash or check and cross your legs!! But I had an errand in the area and I stopped to check things out. I found 6 swimsuits, 2 new, 2 new large size bras and these:

Our GW loves to price any shoes and boots that they think are top of the line at high prices. (This is where I purchased the handmade, Italian leather Damiani Marini boots last year, sold for $180)When I checked out, the clerk made a point of telling me that these were not marked and they were Justin Boots. I already knew that and I expected to pay $4.59. She yelled at the other clerk and said, Justin boots not marked!! My comment, "too late". I'm surprised that she didn't refuse to sell to me. As you can tell, I am now the proud owner of a pair of Justin Paddock Boots!! I've had two pair of Ariat boots in this style and both went for $60+ . These are a size 6C, so they may take a while.
Well, back to the yard sale buyout inventory. While I'm glad I purchased this "bunch of stuff", I will really be glad when I get it all washed and lined up for pictures. I'd say that I am about 30% through the pile of stuff. My goal is to have it all off of the porch before I go on vacation (to Atlanta thrifting) Labor Day week. Just think about what I would be facing if I had kept all 1,200 pieces of stuff!!
Happy sale-ing and listing!!!