By Monday I was trying to figure out how I was going to scratch the itch. I had bunches of trash to turn into treasures and list in my store. Fix a button here, sew up a pocket there, wash,dry and fold and everything else to do to get ready to photograph and list. I worked like a madman Monday thinking I would get to thrift on Tuesday. Didn't happen. I worked like a madman on Tuesday thinking I would get to thrift on Wednesday. My oldest daughter, MotherOfGrandchildren, called and wanted to meet for lunch. Oh yeah!! The girls are tracked out this week and I haven't seen them in a while. She MOG had a doctors appt and we were meeting after that. Meanwhile, on the way to the meeting I stopped at a couple of places, JUST TO LOOK...yeah right. I found some goodies and got there at the appointed time.
After lunch, which we kinda took our time enjoying, I headed for the really big thrift. I hadn't been in a couple of weeks and I NEEDED to check the 2/99c racks. I knew I had plenty of clothing items to list so I restrained myself and only found 4 items and one pair of shoes. I headed inside and started hunting...ahhhh....the smell of the hunt....moth balls....dust....Ben-Gay.
I found some hats, craft stuff and a lot of small stuff.

I looked at every pair of jeans in the store. I WILL find the pricey ones someday. In the meantime, I found a Ralph Lauren pair with velvet patches, gold thread embroidery with glass beads and tapestry patches. Some poor child in China is a very good seamstress....

I also found a pair of Antik Denim jeans. I didn't know anything about this brand, other than they appeared to be quality made with quality fabric. When I got home I checked them out on ebay and found that they average $25 a pair with the high end price being $190. I don't know about you but I would feel guilty paying more for jeans than I pay a month for electricity.... !

On Thursday SweetiePie and I were out to breakfast. He likes to eat breakfast out, everyday if I let him.
HE suggested that we stop by GW because he wanted to look for t shirts.'re twisting my arm. I'll go....I'll go.... since you insist.
Of course I found a few things and he let me buy his t shirts too!!

A bunch of small glass stuff. The ash trays on the left are German and the one on top is from Norway. A Napco cup/saucer and assorted mugs. Not pictured is a Boynton Baa, Humbug mug and a Mary Engelbrect mug, Queen of Everything, that I have already listed. Baa, Humbug has sold already!! It paid for everything in the picture...I love fast sales!!

The California souvenir vintage apron, the Christmas colors smock/apron and the.....ummm..... red costume(?). I also picked up a similar pink costume that I forgot to photograph. Now I normally don't pick up "costumes" because of the ewwww factor, but these were not worn and Halloween is coming up and somebody somewhere will need a 4X red costume.
Ok, spill the beans, what did you find this week/week-end?