I made a trip to the north side of town this week and dashed by a thrift store that I don't go to very often. They have moved from my side of town and I don't go unless I am in the neighborhood. They are a group of churches that provide food and necessities for people who are in an emergency situation. A great cause and I am happy to support them when I can.
They are great because they regularly have specials on selected items. The day I stopped in they had books, buy one get one free. I can always look at books, especially older cookbooks. I am not into trying to pick out the ones that are the most valuable to sell on line and I don't have a scanner that will tell me the value of the book when I scan the ISBN, I like to fly by the seat of my pants.
Spotted these two books and this Luray pastel dessert/fruit bowl and had fun browsing all of the goodies. Only spent $1.00.
I looked everywhere for more Luray, but none to be found. Either this was the only one or it was overlooked by someone who purchased the rest. In any case about $5-6 on ebay. The Anna's Angels Cookbook,
Heavenly Goodness, is a neat cookbook that was published by a group of parents of children with Downs Syndrome with the profits going to Duke University research for Downs Syndrome.
However, it was the
Soul Food Cookery (1958) cookbook that really surprised me. I checked on
abebooks.com and there was one listed for $59.99 and $8.99 When I checked ebay there was one listed for $24.99. I checked another site, don't remember which one, and found one listed for $99.99 A big difference in prices.
Now, to me the recipes in
Soul Food Cookery are just everyday, normal recipes. I mean, I am from the South and we do eat grits, turnip greens, collards, fried catfish, down home barbecue pork and hush puppies. However, there are some recipes in this cookbook that I won't be trying. Chitterlings (chittlins'), possum, fried pigs feet, brains and eggs, mountain oysters, souse,sardines fried in butter, and cracklin bread are at the top of my list. I think I will just flip to the cake, cookies and desserts section and leave all of the other stuff to someone else.
The instructions don't say if road kill is acceptable. |
These are for rabbit...."start with a fresh rabbit" and pigeon pie or if you want to get really fancy "squab" which is hi-faluting for young pigeon.
Now growing up I lived on a farm. I went huntin' just like my big brothers. They taught me to hunt. My Mom's rule was if you killed it, you skinned and cleaned it, and she would cook it.
So.... I need to add to my resume squirrel hunting, frog gigging, deer hunting, fishing and cleaning and skinning the meat of the day? Ahhhh......don't think so.
Hungry yet?