Saturday, June 28, 2014

More Creepy Than a Doll

I have these listed on ebay for sale. NEW Victoria's Secret panties. Ebay doesn't allow sales of used panties.
Thank goodness.

I received a rather "odd" message yesterday morning about this listing.

"Would you happen to wear these panties and sell without washing? If so I will pay more!"

I had a one word response for his question. NO

And then I went and washed my hands.

I told SweetiePie that I had a pair of size 14 white cotton "granny panties" (from the trash of the yard sale buy out) that I would send the guy.

Don't think that is what he had in mind.


  1. Replies
    1. P.S. I noticed you have my old blog on your blogroll. I'm not Cray Cray for eBay anymore. My new blog name is Garage Sale Heaven, and the new url is

  2. do an ebay search for used panties. it will truly gross you out. Lots fly under the radar :/

    1. When I was first selling on ebay full time I had a cute bustier and thong set that was used. I listed and very promptly ebay took it down. I never did relist because I was afraid they would have it marked or something. And yet the creeps out there can still buy things from sellers who know how to manipulate the system.

    2. thats how I knew. I had maternity panties that were lightly used washed a few times and bleached/oxiclean. They looked new. and they were pulled. I sell the bustier without the bottom....never sells as well though

    3. Somewhere I read that you could sell the bustier and offer the panties "free". I haven't tried this as I was afraid I would get busted.

  3. EWWWWWWWW. There are some weirdos out there.

  4. You can sell vintage panties. Depending on the fabric, those granny panties can get you big bucks. I have a pair listed but no interest. I also have some vintage nighties without any luck.

    I bought a half form manny off Ebay and they came with a lot of new underwear. I thought it was odd and went to look at the listing and sure enough it said I would get new underwear

    1. I've sold vintage panties before and had good luck with several. The granny panties I had from the yard sale buy out have already gone to the trash. Let's just say.... they were less than pristine.
