Friday, April 17, 2015

A Dress Form, Taxes and 43 Years

Well, it has been a busy week.

My daughter asked me to help her make a dress form of herself. I have toyed with the idea of making one of myself for altering thrift store clothes but haven't gotten around to trying it. So on Saturday we met early and went yard sale-ing and then got down to the job of a dress form. It is harder than it looks and takes a lot longer that we thought. We got the form done but the stuffing is what took forever, especially when the spray foam that she bought didn't have a nozzle and we had to go to WallyWorld and get more. So we will finish this week-end. An interesting process.

I hate paying taxes. Absolutely hate all the prep and the nail biting and the "will I have to pay or not" stress that is on top of all of the other daily stress. This is the first time in my entire life that I have not filed my taxes on time. I had to file an extension. I know it's not a reasonable thing to think but I think of it as failing at my job. I know it will be ok and I will have my taxes ready by Monday. But it just sucks. But the day after tax day is always a better day.

It's our wedding anniversary on the 16th. I can't believe that we have been married for 43 years. It seems like yesterday, or at least last week. A friend and co-worker, at the time I met SweetiePie, said it wouldn't last. She ended up marrying his brother but only stayed married 2 years and has been married twice since then. So who is she to talk? She was concerned that we met just before Thanksgiving, got engaged just after Christmas and married just 100 days later in April. 5 months!! Of course we have had our little bumps, but just lttle bumps, and here we are. Two great girls, 3 grand children and still going strong.

So after I pull all of my hair out this week I should be able to get everything under control. I haven't listed on ebay since Sunday. Had a killer week-end last week-end and and shipped out 15 big packages on Monday.
Just sliding by with a few sales this week, barely making expenses. But sales are sales.

 I have two totes sitting here by the computer just ready to go but I can't bring myself to list until I get the taxes done. Just my thing. I want to finish one thing before getting buried in something else.

Oh...and ebay took out my fees for last month today.

I better get myself together and make some money before I totally freak out!!!! I'll be back to regular thrift store stuff in a few days.

 I can't wait for "normal" again.


  1. happy anniversary! Marriage is by far the hardest thing I have had to do so far in life :D

    1. I agree and it changes every day. Keeps you on your toes. I still can't figure out SweetiePie and I am sure he would say the same thing about me. What I can't figure out is that I am just "39" and have been married 43 years :) Of course math has never been my strong suit!!

  2. Ugh, taxes are so stressful aren't they. I ended up owing more my account told me to plan for and wiped out my business account to pay them. It was a stressful few days until some money started rolling in again! I will be better prepared nest year!
    Congrats on 43 years, that's amazing! It does have its ups and downs but in the end is so worth it!

    1. I could understand my dread and delay if I had to pay but I haven't had to pay for at least 7-8 years. I just put it off...

  3. Congratulations on 43 years. You obviously picked the right guy. Sister in law was probably jealous. I've had to file extensions more than once. You're not alone.

    1. I think I picked the right one but his brother was a great guy also. She didn't know what she threw away.

  4. Congrats on 43 amazing years!

  5. Happy Anniversary! 43 is awesome!! Congrats!
