Monday, January 23, 2012


I picked this cookbook up on a trip my daughter and I took to Lancaster PA.  I even paid full price for it!
I was a weak moment.

I have used this cookbook for a lot of different recipes and every single one of them was FANTASTIC.  What could be bad about real butter and milk and all of the other natural ingredients in the recipes?

Now my family can attest to the fact that biscuits have never been something I could master. My first efforts could have been used for boat anchors or cornerstones for buildings with equal success. In fact my first biscuits are probably going to survive cockroaches. That's how good they were.

I had a hankering for biscuits the other night when we had breakfast for dinner. I thought I had some canned biscuits but I was all out. So... I just whipped out my dusty, trusty cook book and found a recipe.

Buttermilk Biscuits, page 24

Buttermilk Biscuits!!! Believe me Joyce (the cook) knew what she was talking, or writing about.

They were fantastic and not a single tooth was lost....

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