Friday, July 22, 2011


I really haven't forgotten my blog, really I haven't.

It's just that thing called life keeps getting in the way.
I keep applying for jobs and just get the standard acknowledgement. Thank you...blah...blah...blah
But I keep trying and trying and trying.....
Old ladies need jobs too...

I enjoyed having my granddaughters here for a few days. They are fun, exciting, interesting and very tiring.
Everybody wears a cat play house as a robot costume, don't they?

This is a cat toy that has gotten recycled into a robot costume. Princess 2 has a great imagination.
Now that I look at that sequin purse, IT DOES look like Santa's beard.

Now why would kids want to use something as intended? Of course that is how we got some clever inventions. Thinking outside the box, or in this case, outside the cat toy.

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