Thursday, March 9, 2017

Are you having a bad day?

Sales on ebay are in the toilet...

I have more to do than a human person should have to do.

I need two three clones, please...
One for housework, one for yard work and one for ebay. The real me needs to take care of my SweetiePie...

SweetiePie wants to go to "that store you really want to go to"

SweetiePie wants to go to Dairy Queen

I just spent 15 minutes trying to convince a 67 year old man that it is a good thing to go poo, that it's something everybody does.

But SweetiePie just thinks I'm mean.

So if you have had or are having a bad day, week, or year I hope you read this and laugh.

I have to laugh because it's the only way to keep my sanity.


  1. I am laughing with you =)And I really need a laugh too! I also desperately need a few clones. The piles have taken over my house and my mind. I'm not even sure whether I am a reseller or just a hoarder at this point ;) Thank you for the cute usual =) Hoping you find a way to do 8 things at once...and if you do let me know how!!

    1. I give up I am a hoardseller...Or something like that

  2. I am laughing with you also. Your strength and dedication amazes me every time I read your posts. I need at least 3 clones. also.

    1. For better or worse... I've had the better now dealing with everything so I can handle the worse when it comes. I guess my mile wide stubborn streak is finally a good thing!!
