Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Where do the numbers come from?

We have a saying here in the South. When you don't want to hurt someone's feelings you just say "bless their hearts". A way to be polite and not offend.

Well ebay has struck again.

I was checking my dashboard yesterday and saw that they had raised my selling limit. Not long ago they raised my selling limit to $595,000. I laughed at that for several days.

Now I will be laughing for a week.

They raised my selling limits to $2,932,819.78. That's over 75 times what I have listed at this very minute. Where do the numbers come from? Random generated numbers? A dart board in the break room?

If I listed everything I have ever owned in my lifetime and everything I have in my stash to list now I could never reach that impossible number.

Way back when I was a newbie seller there were no limits. They just wanted you to list your stuff because everything sold and they wanted those fees. Now everything is regulated and I feel for new ebay sellers when they have to beg ebay to raise their limits. But these numbers are so totally out of reach that it's funny.

Bless their hearts....


  1. Wow. The expectations would keep me up at night ;)

    1. I guess you could look at it thinking that ebay has confidence in your sales ability, but somehow I don't see it that way. With a whopping $12 in sales for the month of December I may just need that huge listing window to make a living ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Okay, I'm stumped. Where do you see that number? I love random - how funny.

    1. Its on the pro manager page scroll down towards the bottom and you will see your sales total for the month, how much $$ inventory you have and what your limits are. I use it to check my sales daily to see if I am in line with where I need to be. Its just funny how some sellers can't get ebay to raise their limits and how crazy high mine are. Of course I have been on ebay since 1999 so I guess age has its privilege.

    2. Under which heading? I've looked up and down the pro manager page on my account a bunch of times and darned if I see that section. Maybe I'm just losing it. But now I am really curious what my limit is!

  4. mines a nice $65,625. Way more even than yours :D I wish they auto raised but its not worth calling in again for me. Even that (which is nothing compared to yours is $55k more than I have listed. \
