Saturday, March 8, 2014


I saw a Garage Sale sign today.

Be still my heart. Spring may be a'coming round the bend.

After the last couple of days of dreary, cold rain we got out this morning and saw a sign. Of course SweetiePie didn't want to stop and it was too late for me to go back out once we got home.

But, I saw it. It was really there!!!


  1. How exciting! I do like winter..and it's been a crazy one here in Chicago, but I'm looking forward to the warmer weather just for the garage sales and gardening! :)

    Margaret @ Live Like No One Else

  2. I'm tired of the panic mode the weatherman gets everyone in when we are expecting a little frozen precipitation. I'm ready for some warm on these cold bones!!

  3. Yard sales sprouted up like weeds this past weekend since temps climbed above 60.

  4. I went to one garage sale on Friday and a church sale on Saturday. It felt so good!! Some people around here think that a seeing robin is the first sign of spring, but for me it's seeing the first garage sale :)

  5. You make me feel like a slacker! I'm in drought ridden California & the weather was perfect this weekend. There were bunches of yard sales. I had to pick so I went to "geezer gulch", a senior mobile home park that was having a park wide sale. I can call it "geezer gulch" because I'm old enough to live there it I wanted to. If it makes you feel any better - I spent most of the morning and found zip, except for an old chair that I got for my friend to put in sell in her store. I usually find lots of good stuff, but this time I got skunked.

  6. *sigh* I wish. We are expecting snow here tomorrow.

  7. Anny,
    Send some of that snow our way. We have a fire danger alert here today because of dry conditions & Santa Lucia winds.
