Wednesday, August 21, 2013


In an effort to perk up my life I hit a Goodwill on a trip into town yesterday. After a dismal last week of sales but a better start to this week, I still needed a little thrift therapy. That or ice cream and I didn't have any ice cream.
Love the little Popple and the pink bathroom scale, even
though I'm not a pink person. I hope someone is.
I really went to look for some summer tops for myself because my Labor Day trip is coming up. I could kick myself for going to GW for tops. They sort things by color but not size. You will find a size zero next to a 5x. No attempt to put REAL WOMEN tops on a rack by themselves. So there were about 4 racks, 40 feet long to search through. I did attempt one rack and then gave up. Nothing above an XL, most SM or XSM. So I ventured into other areas where I usually have good luck. Shoes were first and I had limited myself to no more than $20 to spend.

I found 3 pair of boots that looked promising. RocketDog suede women's (20-25), stride rite suede girls (15-20), and another pair of women's leather boots that I wasn't familiar with but they felt like velvet and still had a new leather smell.
The leather shin guard that is attached
with the gold buttons, I just found out
 is removable.
Look how new the inside looks. The leather is perfect. Only
very light scuffs on the sole. Size 8.5
Have you ever heard of Damiano Marini shoes? Neither had I, but I found them in Italy. They make handmade leather shoes. Most of the shoes are outrageous, tall spike heeled things. Lady GaGa would love them. Check them out here. See the photo on the top right, the boot on the right top shelf? That's my boot!!. Now, the real problem, I can't find out how much these things cost. Apparently there is only one place in the US to buy them and that is in Florida. Similar boots are selling for $300 to $700.

Anyone have any suggestions? I am thinking of starting them at about $150 -$200 with best offer. Too low, too high? Any thoughts?

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