Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I got up earlier than usual today so I could have my item packed and ready to ship when SweetiePie got up because we were doing errands today. I had one item that sold last night just as I was getting ready for bed and I didn't take time to pull and pack. 

It won't take but a few minutes......HA.HA.HA.

I spent TWO hours looking for it this morning and another hour when we got home. I was looking for this

I have been moving stuff from downstairs back upstairs and I have tried to keep things where they belong. Apparently I moved some kitchen stuff from the boxes and forgot about where I put them. They were hiding in the closet. I have 3 kitchen totes and I emptied them twice and tried to convince myself that I had overlooked them. Just hit me over the head and put me out of my misery. But I finally found them and they are on their way.

Then I sold this:
I just love the x-ray fish...
and had to go find a box to ship it in. The ABC store (how appropriate) no luck. No luck at two dollar stores that usually give up boxes readily so I finally gave up and went to Goodwill. They had a box!! and they gave it to me!! So of course I had to buy something, just to be nice you know.

I hope your day was better than mine.
I think I'll go to bed early and try to have a better day tomorrow.

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