Thursday, December 29, 2011


Have you ever gone to a GW outlet? I have been to one in Lancaster PA and to one in Charlotte NC. It is so much fun.

Don't be afraid to get down and dirty or you will loose out. The one we went to in Lancaster PA one summer during vacation was by accident. There was a regular GW next door and we had finished there and decided to see what the outlet was all about.

Well, we were flabbergasted!!! Bins and bins of stuff everywhere. We went crazy!!! Everything was price by the pound. It was a few years ago and I think it was like 69 cents a pound. We went crazy!!!

More recently during a trip to IKEA in Charlotte we happened to find a GW outlet. We went crazy!!! The prices were higher, I think about $1.39 a pound. Books were 25cents, record albums were 25cents and household was half price of the marked price. I purchased quite a few things (we'll just leave it at that).

I am making plans to go back to the GW outlet in Charlotte before long. Now that I have an ebay store I have an outlet for different things than before. Before I was searching for vintage things to paint. Now I am searching for stuff to sell. I have begun laying the groundwork with SweetiePie for a trip to Charlotte. It is a good  3 1/2 hour drive and I would need to make it round trip in a day. Don't want the expense of an overnight stay. We have the time, just need to have the money.

In the meantime I have been digging in the bins at my favorite big thrift. They have about a dozen bins in the back of the store piled high with stuff. Everything is 4/$1.00. Like most thrift stores you have to look things over carefully. Most just need a good wash.Yesterday I came home with over 75 items, some I splurged on the dollar racks, but most came from the bins. I got all weather coats, hoodies, jeans, shirts, sweaters, pants, skirts and plush for 25cents each. I was in heaven.

Now today the washer is running overtime trying to get it all washed and sorted. As with most things, some will be good sellers and some will be low end stuff. Abercrombie hoodie, Hollister hoodie, LLBean coat, London Fog Ladies coat, Joseph & Feiss mens coat all purchased for the sum of 25 cents each!!!. I got so carried away that I didn't even take time to go through the "full price" racks. I had a 20% discount card that I didn't even use because everything I bought was on clearance.

Hey, I need to go back and use that 20% discount card!!


  1. If you dont mind me asking where in Charlotte is the outlet? I lived there several years ago (before selling on ebay)and never came across it. Although I did tend to stay in the southern part (pineville area)

  2. The outlet is on Freedom Drive. There are three in the same shopping center. The GW outlet, the GW computer and next to that is a Value Village.
    They should name the shopping center Heaven!!

    Have you ever used to find thrift stores in your area? It is not a total resource, but you can find some that you might otherwise miss. And when you find a good one you can add it to their list for others and also review stores when you visit them.

  3. thanks I will check out that website. In all my years living down there I think I have only been to Freedom Drive one time I live in WI now and there are no outlets in my area
