Monday, September 5, 2011


It has been kinda slow and uneventful at the casa this week. Sales on ebay were slow this week. Not much to do except housework. And that is not my favorite hobby.

Its a holiday today. Labor Day. It would be a holiday if I had a job.

So what to do....what to do....

I have been gearing up for the holidays and have been trying to come up with some unique things to separate money from folks. I have been working on miniature Christmas trees and ornaments and miniature Halloween trees and ornaments. I picked up some items at the $store to play with.  It doesn't pay to be bored and start trying stupid things. Or does it?
A few days ago my daughter Smarta** introduced me to deco-den. It is from Japan where excess in ordinary things is the way. Check out her blog here. She explores the world of deco-den.

With that thought in mind I tried this
What was I thinking? Too plain? Not enough bling?
I can see green gems for the eyes, a bit of blood dripping from the teeth and maybe a little paint to highlight the crack in the forehead.

Do you think I am on to the next BIG THING or should I just go clean the bathroom?

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