Friday, July 29, 2011


 August is usually considered the dog days of summer. Here at our house its is almost August, but not really the dog days of summer. More like the cat days of summer......
Time for a nap. Come fluff my pillow, woman.
Don't make so much noise. A girl needs her beauty sleep.
A tummy scratch would be nice...NOW.
Meet Fearless (she's not). This is my daughter, Smarta**, cat. She is a Norwegian Forest Cat. About 24 lbs. of fluff and flub. See the long hair on her feet. She has long hair everywhere except her head. It has measured in at 3 inches on her tail. She doesn't shed, she just piles up hair.
Hey, I'm cute. Take my picture.....quietly.
This is Firefly. She likes to nap in the skybox. But she also likes to have her picture taken.

Even with all this cat cuteness around I still miss my Nikki.

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