Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Not long ago a facebook friend asked who dried their laundry on an old fashioned clothes line.

Not only is it a good way to save money, it makes your laundry smell wonderful.Your clothes don't shrink, for real. Less wear and tear than being tumbled in the dryer. Of course if you leave your darks out too long they will fade. And some spots will bleach out in the sun if you soak them in lemon juice.

About three years ago we installed a clothes line on our deck using tall fence posts and bolting them to the deck posts. I love going out and hanging clothes up because it is so convenient. If I had to take them down to the yard it would be 21 steps to the ground. Laundry is heavy. I am old. At least my body is.

I have eight lines that are 16' long. More than enough for 5 loads of clothes for two people.My daughter and I share the lines. She hangs hers up from the left and I hang mine up from the right. She has left hand clothes pins and I have right hand clothes pins. didn't think I was going to show you my undies did ya?

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