Saturday, April 9, 2011


Be still my heart......I love yard sales.
My daughter and I headed out again today and found some gooooood stuff.
It's a good thing we have plenty of room in the van. I got three new pieces of Pyrex, headed for ebay.
And a few other things that I didn't get a pic of that are headed for ebay.

Have you ever seen so many Christmas lights? I got two totes of lights for $5. There are 1500 outdoor lights, 60 strands. 20 strands are new. Also included were 5 strands of LED rope lights!!
Oh, and a strand of garland, not from the $ store!!
What should I do with them? We don't decorate outside for Christmas. I don't think we need this many nite lite bulbs!! I have a craft project that I will use some of them for, but there will be lots left over. My reasoning for the purchase is that one set of these bulbs would cost me more than the $5 I spent on the two tubs.

These are the purse handles and some wire baskets. I am going to use the wire baskets for display at my craft show.
And a new purse for my favorite diva, Nikki Kitty....not really but Princess Pink will love it!!

Some vintage bingo games, craft patterns, jewelry, tools

Got this GIANT tote of children's VCR tapes for the grand cost of $1.00. I'm hoping that someone, somewhere still has a VCR to play them on.

And my favorite find of the day. A small, vintage crib complete with handmade feather mattress for the grand cost of $1.00. The lady I purchased it from said she used it when she was a baby. Now, I don't know about you, but I could never sell that. It's small enough that I am going to assemble it and use it to store some of the grandkids toys and they can also put their baby to bed.
Got a free suitcase that I will use for storage in my craft studio. Can never have enough storage for stuff.

Whew, time for a nap!!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet little cot. Great idea to store toys in. I have a bit of a passion for them myself and find it hard to pass one up - even though my daughter is nearly 14! We use one as a cat bed.
