Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hello?...Hello? is anybody out there?

Do you hear that kicking and screaming?

That's me being dragged into the world of blogging.

I am a mature individual *cough cough* that has lost her job, been back to school to get some 'learning and am now out in the world looking for a job.  Alas, so are about a zillion other folks.  Oh well, until I land that dream job I have been cleaning out my house of some of my unwanted junk, buying more junk and turning some of my existing junk into "can't live without treasures". At least I hope someone can't live without them.

I really started by blog to help my sanity. Lord knows I can't keep kicking the dog. Of course we don't have a dog, so don't get alarmed. It's just a Southern thing, we have cats.

I won't promise to post every day. But I do promise to use spell check.

I won't promise to make anyone happy but myself.
I won't have those annoying things that follow you on the page.
I won't make you listen to music that I like.

I will link this blog to my selling sights. You didn't think you would get off scott free!!
I will keep it clean.

Well I guess that is enough for today. Don't want to wear out my welcome.

Oh, about the name. My granddaughter, Green Princess, wanted to know why I was going through the trash. Her mom had saved me a bag of boxes and milk cartons and I was sorting them into different piles. I told her that some people throw out things that I can use to create treasures. And so the name Grandma's Trash was born. I'll have a link to my etsy shops as soon as I figure out how to link them.
Thanks for stopping by

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